Links between cognitive impairment and exploitation in England

This two-year study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, investigates the connections between cognitive impairments, such as mental ill-health, learning disability or memory-loss, and vulnerabilities to exploitation.

The overlap between cognitive impairment and cases of exploitation is often anecdotally acknowledged but poorly evidenced.

Through this research, we hope to shed light on how these issues connect, including potential causative relationships.

We are also working with frontline professionals and people with lived experience to inform existing policy and practice, and to provide important information and resources for those who may be at risk.

More about the project


Exploitation of Adults with Cognitive Impairment in England. An investigation into evidence, responses and policy implications.

November 2024

Read the full findings from our two-year study

Exploitation of Adults with Cognitive Impairment in England. Executive Summary.

November 2024

Key findings and recommendations from our two-year study

More reports and publications

What is exploitation?

A short film for people with learning difficulties, carers and support workers: